- Aug 29
- 2 min
Tic Suppression vs Tic Management - They're Not The Same
Some people are confused when I say tic suppression is harmful because they think I’m referring to tic management but they are different...
- Aug 28
- 3 min
Unmasking Tourette Syndrome
People often speak about unmasking Autism and ADHD traits, but not enough people speak about unlearning tic suppression - the equivalent...
- Aug 26
- 4 min
Why CBIT wasn’t really a good fit for me
CBIT stands for Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention For Tics and is seen as the first-line intervention in managing Tourette Syndrome. ...
- Aug 26
- 2 min
My Thoughts On Brain Retraining and Nervous System Regulation in Chronic Illness
No amount of brain retraining can fully help before the physical issue causing the body to be in an over-reactive state is addressed...
- Aug 9
- 4 min
Food sensitivities and severe mental illness - the underlying factor that often gets ignored:
About half a century ago, the term ‘bread madness’ was created to describe a group of patients with Schizophrenia who recovered with the...
- Aug 9
- 4 min
The Neurodiversity Movement Destroyed My Mental Health
The neurodiversity movement is primarily seen as a positive influence, because it is. It empowers many neurodivergent people and allows...
- May 2
- 7 min
Why The UK Governments Proposed Changes To Disability Benefits Are Dangerous
The UK government has been proposing some possible changes to the disability benefit system, such as offering food vouchers instead of...